Saturday, August 31, 2019

Women Participation During the Mexican Revolution

Paul Noguera February – 25 Women Participation during the Mexican Revolution Women played a big role during the Mexican revolution. Before the Mexican revolution, women always were discriminated and isolated by men; they had always lived under male control and their dominance on many aspects of the society. Women in Mexico have always been characterized by certain stereotypes such as family life, marriage, and the influence that they had from the Catholic. Women were never seen as people who could contribute to the society taking position such as in the government. This essay explains the transition and some of the contributions of many Mexican Women who were really important during the Mexican revolution. During the revolution women become to be part of Mexican politics for first time, they also had important participation on social movements and on the battlefields and finally they had and important influence on reforming the national Education in Mexico. Many women from high and lower class of the Mexican society managed to be part in high positions of Mexican politics despite of the inequalities they had to face during this period, gaining the respect of many men and of the society in many parts of Mexico. Many of the women who got to be in high positions of Mexicans politics become to be important political figures and inspiration for other women to believe in themselves. A woman who became an important figure in during the Mexican revolution was Hermilia Galindo. She was born in 1896 in Laredo, Durango Mexico (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 7), when the Mexican revolution began she was only fifteen year old. During Galindo’s political carrier she wrote many political disquisitions, was a public advocate for Carranza in many states and was the editor of the journal â€Å"Mujer Moderna† She rose quickly due to her intelligence, excellence speaking skills, and because she had skills and abilities that Carranza was shrewd enough to recognize and exploit. Hermilia was without doubt one of the most important public figures during the Mexican revolution, Carranza discover her when she was selected to give an speech upon his arrival after the fall of general Victoriano Huerta. Hermilia wrote many articles, and spoke to many women’s groups, supporting Carranza’s rule and to encourage women to join revolutionary groups in order to stand up to the Catholic counter revolution (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 26) . Hermilia was also important because of her roles as a Mexican feminist, Galindo supported feminist ideas and Carranza’s government; when Hermilia was part of Carranza’s government she found her own journal before mentioned called â€Å"Mujer Moderna† (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 5) from which she would attack the Catholic Church directly and call women for social participation against it as well. One the things that Hermilia fought for, was for equal rights between men and women, declaring the women should have the right to vote, unfortunately she was unsuccessful. Political women during the Mexican revolution were not always accepted by the people, they had important popular opposition from the more conservative population of Mexico who wouldn’t accept their participation and intervention on politics. Women as Hermila Galindo were essential to the revolution because they addressed feminist problems and had the courage and the energy to make them public and make the government be more aware about it. Women during the Mexican revolution didn’t only play an important role on politics, also on the streets and battlefield as well. There were some important social movements made by women during the Mexican revolution such as the Veracruz strike, where many women workers would fight to put an end to social and economic wrongs in the state (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 51). The Veracruz movement was one of the first social movements that happened during the Mexican revolution and was based on pressuring the government to enact a housing reform legislation that would make rent more fear for them not letting landlords to manipulate them. Also during the Mexican revolution we can see las Soldaderas as well, who were considered battlefield heroes of the Mexican revolution. Most of women workers as well as las Soldaderas were mestizas or Indian women who were affected or didn’t agree with government policies. These women proved themselves as men’s equals, and showed that women are as successful as men in getting the job done. Not only did they put their lives in danger to fight for their cause, but their bravery was as admirable as that of the men who fought for their rights, if not more because often they did not have just themselves to take care of, but children as well. During the Veracruz strike hundreds of women workers got together to fight for lower rent and to make them-selves respected. This social movement made by women become to be so important that called the attention of the government to make a change in the legislation about housing (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 25). Without these women fighting on the streets demanding a change in the constitution and with las Soldaderas fighting on the battlefield, the revolution would have been a different battle and women would have never had the chance to prove their abilities or gotten the recognition they deserved. Two Women who were really important during the Mexican revolution were Dolores Jimenez y Muro and Peta Rosa Ojeda. Jimenez and Ojeda were schoolteachers, Jimenez was born in Aguascalientes, she was a political radical (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 23), Ojeda was from the state of Yucatan and she always supported the Mexican revolution in her role as a teacher (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 37). Their roots as a schoolteacher were evident in their reform to decentralize the Mexican educational system. Ojeda was always more focused at the local level in the state of Yucatan Mexico and Jimenez was more involved on reforming the educational national system. By Jimenez trying to reform the educational national system would allow schools to be locally funded and controlled all over Mexico including in the state of Yucatan, where Ojeda was volunteering educating hacienda workers and trying to reform the education system of the state, this reformation would allow that each school would receive individual attention. Ojeda instead of Jimenez was more focused on educating workers in haciendas especially women who were repressed by the hacienda owner in Yucatan (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 38). Also since Ojeda herself was in touch with all classes of people, she could more easily see their problems and needs. This moved her to fight for reforms about the expensive and insufficient housing the lower classes had to endure in the state (Mitchell, â€Å"Women’s Revolution,† p. 44). Even though Mexican women permeated every niche in the society of the revolution, they have gotten only a fraction of the recognition they deserve. Many of their stories have been forgotten or re-written by the society to which they gave their ideas, work, and lives. Despite what male historians have led us to believe, Mexican women's contributions were just as great as men's were. They were of primary importance in the revolution and were essential to the causes for which they fought. Mexican women broke the molds of countless generations, and showed the strength of the female spirit. They took on core positions that were not traditional and excelled in many predominantly male-dominated roles. Mexican women were revolutionary in the way they stretched the boundaries of gender roles and reversed many stereotypes.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Homework Assignment Essay

1) How could an organization benefit from attending one of the courses offered at the Intense School? By attending of the course offered at the school an organization would gain valuable knowledge on how to protect their system from hackers. If the organization were heavily dependent on the smooth operation of their IT system this would be essentially important. The amount of knowledge that would be gained from the courses, they can facilitate the creation of a better security system. 2) What are the two primary lines of security defense and how can organizational employees use the information taught by the Intense School when drafting an information security plan? The two primary lines of security defense are through people first and technology second. The courses will enlighten the employees how easy it is for hackers to deploy social engineering to gain private information from them. Employees can use the information taught at the school to draft an information security plan that details how an organization will implement the information security policies. The school will most likely teach many of the tricks to social engineering and hacking, which the employees can use to create the detailed information security policies. 3) Determine the differences between the two primary courses offered at the Intense School, â€Å"Professional Hacking Boot Camp† and â€Å"Social Engineering in Two Days.† Which course is more important for organizational employees to attend? The two main differences is that one covers the Technology of the security defense line and the other covers issues with the People. The course Social Engineering in Two Days is more important for organizational employees to attend because it would be easiest for hackers to gain access through employees giving away passwords, leaving password lying around, etc.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Motherhood and Womanhood as Illustrated in Tillie Olsen’s Essay

Tillie Olsen’s â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing,† is a short story presented in monologue form which reverberates a mother’s angst over motherhood and the stereotypical images attached by society to the female gender (particularly to womanhood and motherhood), which as a result becomes an image that the reflected takes on. The mother, whose identity was not divulged, illustrates the character’s universal relevance in terms of the images that she creates in the minds of the readers that as one listens to the mother’s reflections one may find herself entangled in the same situation and, perhaps, even share the same sentiments with the protagonist, even if the reader comes from a different time and place. The whole monologue translates the metaphorical â€Å"ironing-out† or straightening what she perceives as the â€Å"wrinkled† part of her personality of and the world around the main character using imageries that seem to conceal what is really happening within the individual’s reality. Her recollections of the past suggests one of the definitive behaviors women, regardless of time and space, have performed (sometimes with resentment but most of the times willingly— perhaps since the outside perceived pressure is insurmountable or they just want to maintain their sanity despite of the challenges): inability to translate into assertive words and actions what they really feel at the time when these should have been their refuge to their predicament. Hence, resentment is contained in a vacuum until such time when the ‘self’ could no longer contain the pressure she begins to vent out her emotions to other persons, things or events. Thus we hear the protagonist, in the end saying, â€Å"â€Å"My wisdom came too late. She has much to her and probably little will come of it. She is a child of her age, of depression, of war, of fear† (par 50). Realization dawned on her at a time least expected – when relationships (between mother and daughter) seemed to be â€Å"on the rocks,† when years that could have been considered most precious to the mother as well as to the mother have already past, and when everything else (the frailty [physically and emotionally]) of both characters (mother and daughter) could have been restored. Imagery colors the mothers’ world long before reality sets in. â€Å"She was a beautiful baby †¦ You do not guess how new and uneasy her tenancy in her now — loveliness (par 4); I was nineteen. It was the pre-relief, pre-WPA world of the depression (par 8): you spoke of her rare gift for comedy on the stage that [aroused] laughter out of the audience so dear they applaud and applaud and do not want to let her go (par 17). Even the convalescent home where Emily was forced to stay after her mother could not keep her any longer is described in the mother’s monologue as a place that resembles a saintly sanctuary: â€Å"Oh it is a handsome place, green lawns and tall trees and fluted flower beds. High up on the balconies of each cottage the children stand, the girls in their red bows and white dresses, the boys in white suits and giant red ties (par 26); she is more than this dress on the ironing board, helpless before the iron (par 51), which illustrates the paradox in the main character’s and her daughter’s life – the iron represents her as the mother who tries to straighten out the wrinkles (seemingly problematic condition in her daughter’s life as well as in her personality, which are represented by the dress being ironed out [before it was beautiful and served as a covering for the body, figuratively a conceals the characters’ soul and real identities]); both and the board and the iron served may be perceived as the outside pressures [the mother, represented by the iron being pressed by significant other’s stereotypical conception on motherhood and womanhood and the board, may be perceived as the sturdy socio-cultural norms that unavoidably shapes others’ perception of the main characters’ roles and identities. In all of these situations, reality (which is generally described as depressing) are presented alternately with the pleasant imageries creating an impression of concealing what is in existence like the mask that the mother has, perhaps put on for a long time before she finally had the courage to accept the natural order of things. The mother in the story, while ironing, â€Å"attempts to understand or â€Å"iron out† her ambivalent feelings towards her nineteen year-old daughter Emily, the oldest among her five children, and who is described as having a troubled childhood. Her monologue moves between the present and the past, starting from Emily’s birth during the â€Å"Depression† era of the 1930’s when the she was herself was just nineteen years old. With the monologue, the mother painfully recollects how she neglected Emily because of circumstances beyond her control. Throughout the mother’s monologue, the intended recipient of the message remained unnamed, although there was a particular mention of a social worker in the story (par. 30) and one hears the third person at the beginning of the mother’s monologue, â€Å"She’s a youngster who needs help and whom I’m deeply interested in helping. † In the monologue, the mother reveals her responsibility and guilt in motherhood. As the finishes her monologue, one could feel how she is caught between feeling responsible for her daughter’s unhappy childhood and recognizing her powerlessness and lack of alternatives. Nonetheless she realizes her own identity is separate from her daughter: even though she is part of her daughter yet separate from her, hence her daughter has a life of her own. In the end the mother ends her monologue: She is a child of her age, of depression, of war, of fear. Let her be. So all that is in her will not bloom — but in how many does it? There is still enough left to live by. Only help her to know-help make it so there is cause for her to know — that she is more than this dress on the ironing board, helpless before the iron (par 51). In much the same way, the person having a mind of her own, may choose to follow or reject how her significant other’s (in this case, the mother) upbringing (so Emily is described as, â€Å"She kept too much in herself, her life was such she had to keep too much in herself) (par 50). † Such behavior is explained in a study conducted by Robert Karen (1990) in which he stressed there are traits that are learned— that whether a person trusts others or not, whether one anticipates love or rejection, whether one will feel good about himself as a person depends on how much an individual learns from his significant others: These are not inherited traits, they are learned; and although subject to change, they are initially determined by the sensitivity and reliability of the care you received in your first years (in Karen 15). Because of the pressing process the characters have learned to adjust to imposing situations (how they react [whether positively or negatively] depends on how they perceive the process). Both characters’ personalities were subjected to the pressing forces of society and each person’s reactions to these pressures. The â€Å"ironing† process ended up straightening â€Å"wrinkled† dress (problematic characters); the change did not take place out of the individuals’ efforts but because they were forced by outside empowering factors. Without these outside forces, these characters might have remained â€Å"wrinkled† nonetheless. Hence both the process of â€Å"ironing out† has become both a necessity and a luxury (since there could be different modes of â€Å"ironing out† (others could be less tiring and takes only a while). Works Cited: Karen, Robert. (February 1990) â€Å"Becoming Attached,† Atlantic Monthly. Retrieved April 09, 2009 from http://www. psychology. sunysb. edu/attachment/online/karen. pdf Olsen, Tillie. â€Å"I Stand Here Ironing†

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts Essay

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts useful in understanding the design of organizations - Essay Example There are frequent opportunities, so they tend to make the best selection. This has caused the people to raise their expectations manifolds. Today, companies have to be very skillful and knowledgeable in order to make the same benefits that they did in the past with much lesser skill and technical knowledge. In the contemporary market scenario, a businessman can not afford to be uneducated on such technical aspects of business as â€Å"span of control† and â€Å"control loss†. This paper explains the concept of the two terms; span of control and control loss and analyzes their usability in the design of organizations. The concept of span of control was first introduced by by Sir Ian Hamilton in 1922 in the UK (â€Å"Reference for Business†, 2011). Hamilton developed the concept after having studied the British military leaders’ capacity to control a maximum of 3 to 6 people. Since then, this number has been recognized as the standard average number of peop le to be managed by one individual. According to Col. Urwick, an optimal span of control should not exceed 6 (Hattrup, 1993). Hamilton believed in the fact that managers come with limited time and energy to devote to their work. Hence, there has to be a maximum limit on the number of people one individual can effectively manage on the average. Span of control is also called as the span of management. It is essentially a term pertaining to human resources management (HRM). It tells the exact number of workers that a supervisor may adequately manage. Fig: Span of control example (tutor2u, n.d.). The term is of huge significance particularly to the small business runners. Span of control is largely taught in business and management institutions all over the world in the contemporary age. The concept is frequently employed in such large institutions as military, schools and many agencies of the government. However, not many business entrepreneurs are yet familiar with the concept and us ually have no technical means to judge what maximum number of workers should be given in the charge of one supervisor. As a result of lack of knowledge, many businessmen tend to increase the span of control. This, in turn, limits a company’s capacity to grow. What to talk of inexperienced lot, even the most experienced and competent managers have a hard time solving issues of too many people. This saps their ability to concentrate on long term plans, and they are not able to competitively position their business in the market scenario. A business is susceptible to be affected by a lot of risks in its lifetime. Losses may occur due to a variety of reasons. Whenever a business suffers from a loss, it is not just the owners that are affected. Indeed, the whole business is affected. The loss results not only into direct cost, but also the indirect expenses associated with it often exceed the direct costs. Let’s assume a case where the a construction site owner did not prov ide the workers with sufficient safety equipment on the site. One of the plastermen fell from the scaffolding because there was no bracing to support him. He fell on the ground and received several scars and wounds all over his body. He bled heavily. The whole crew left the work and attended the injured. He was taken to the nearby hospital for treatment after the first aid was given on the site. Many workers took it as an opportunity to indulge in lengthy discussions and gossip with one another, discussing how the accident happened, to what extent the

Coca Cola (Coke) Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coca Cola (Coke) Report - Essay Example Contents Contents 3 1. Introduction 4 1. Introduction Coca Cola boosts of having the highest brand equity in the world. According to surveys, one of the most recognized words in the world is â€Å"Coca Cola†. The product Coca Cola continues to dominate the carbonated drinks market despite sturdy headwinds and is well ahead of its competitor Pepsi. Considering a slow but steady move towards non-carbonated healthy drinks, the product has faced mounting pressure to boost and enhance its promotional activity across the globe in order to maintain market share which has seen a decline from 2005-2010 (Euromonitor International, 2011). This report shall investigate and describe the promotional mix and strategies that have enabled the Coca Cola brand to uplift and maintain the leadership of its carbonated Coke beverage across the globe. 2. Promotional mix From partnerships with renowned international brands to using celebrities in advertisements to keep the youth hooked, Coke has effec tively been promoted through all promotional media. In 2006, for instance, Coca Cola distributed approximately 70 million codes of songs inside Coke’s packs which were redeemable at Apple’s i-tunes store (Telecomworldwire, 2006). ... The diamonds had three shapes namely round, marquise and princess each of which corresponded to personalities attached to Vanilla Coke, Lemon Coke and Coke Light respectively (Hargrave-Silk, 2004). This was one of the most expensive promotional campaigns of its times beating its rival products such as Pepsi. This strategy also reflects how Coke’s lifestyle-oriented promotions aim at aspiring young, exuberant, contemporary men and women. The attributes of the Coke drink are reflected in its advertisements. For instance, one of the ads depicted a confident, bold and sexually appealing customer at a restaurant where Coke was sponsoring a giveaway (Hargrave-Silk, 2004). As mentioned earlier, Coca Cola has effectively used psychological marketing in its promotional mix. The company has also partnered with Parts Connection (a motor trade dealer) whereby a can of Coke is given with every purchase worth $100. The can is worth $1,000 of petrol (Motor Equipment News, 2009). At the end o f a particular period, the labelled cans can be used for drinking Coke (Motor Equipment News, 2009). This has given cash starved customers another reason to purchase spare parts from this dealer. The product has such a huge fan following that some of the company’s promotional efforts have fallen short of its customers’ expectations. As part of its regular line of promotion, the Coke brand has been running an online loyalty program for its Coke fans which has become a source of disappointment for its loyal fans. These fans claim to have collected several codes from bottle caps in return for points only to discover that few of the expensive products (against which the points are redeemable) have run out of stock

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employment Law - Essay Example Any resolution will be complex and contested; hence from the view point of Karl Marx, Marx believed that no completely satisfactory resolution is possible without a total revolution in social-economic system. Marx could have been right but the employment law in the 21st century attempts to balance the logic of the market system with the liberal aspiration of ensuring that individuals are treated with respect and impartially, as well as, have the opportunity to construct meaningful lives. In most cases, contract laws are applied in workplaces because they are vital and are legal aspects that tend to formalize an agreement in more than two parties. Question One: Many issues arise in the workplaces especially where many employees have varied issues such as health problems and many others. Some employees have complicated health issues that may hinder effective performance of the company and Michael’s case is among the common cases arising in the contemporary workplaces. Addressing these issues in a pragmatic manner requires clear and effective understanding of contract laws. Contracts are agreements which have lawful objects entered into voluntarily by two or more parties; thus they intend to create legal obligations among the parties (Twomey, 2013, p. 87). The contract should be acceptable, have an offer, mutual consideration and it should have a legal capacity vital for creating mutuality of obligation (Collins, 2010, p. 91). The contract laws take into considerations varied range of matters such as employment terms, real property sale issues, independent contractor relationship, intellectual property issues and settlement of disputes in the workplace. The contract law demands that all workers with a contract of employment or an employment relationship should receive basic working employment conditions vital for enabling them to work effectively in the working environment. Therefore, the case of Michael should be addressed by focusing on the contract law e specially the employment conditions in the work place. Each industry has its own policies that demand employees to meet them but the labor employment law should also be taken into considerations. The contract law offer mutual recognition rules vital for assisting free movement of workers. Although these mutual recognition rules exist, more subtle impediments found in the informal practices and conventions in recruitment continue to produce much less internal movement within the workplace (Collins, 2010, 139). These principles can be challenging but only under the general principle of free movement of employees. However, in the case of Michael, there is need to focus on the contract laws and adhere to them, but the employer should not also deprive him the mandatory employment rights applicable in the state where the work is being performed. It is vital for Michael to come up with a clear agreement with the human resources about his work because health is also important for any worker working in any organization. The labor laws focus on the rights of employees including health and safety in the working places and rights; hence, the human resource manager should provide

Monday, August 26, 2019

Challenges for Immigrant Children and their Parents Research Paper

Challenges for Immigrant Children and their Parents - Research Paper Example There are several factors involved in the challenges that immigrant children and their families face. The influx of immigrants and their children are so great that the child welfare services are swamped by these sheer numbers on one side, and on the other side, there is the lack of ability in child welfare services to understand and meet the requirements of the immigrant children. Another factor in the well-being of the immigrant children and their families is the legal status of the immigrants, as different statuses carry with it the deriving of different levels of benefits and services. Another important challenge for immigrant children and their families is the lack of proficiency in the English language, as nearly all of the immigration come from countries, where there is limited exposure to the English language. This deficiency is likely to lead to the family falling in the low-income group, with the accompanying issue of the poor health status of the children. Understanding the challenges of immigrant children can be derived from the stages of migration framework, and the critical variables involved in it, and the factors that have an impact on each stage of migration. Factors that impinge on the different stages of migration include age, family background, urban or rural background, socioeconomic background, occupation, religion, and social support. The premature stage or the departure stage, transit or immediate stage, resettlement stage, and return to the country of origin stage make up the four stages in the stages of migration framework. This framework provides an understanding on the challenges that are faced by immigrant children and their families, which are important for child welfare social workers.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critique of a research article Literature review

Critique of a research article - Literature review Example Medical articles can be well analyzed based on the content, the reputation of the authors among other useful information. However, it is paramount that evidence based practice (EBP) be adopted when analyzing an article. According to Sackett et al (1996, pg 71-72) â€Å"Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients†. The best available and current research is utilized in making a judgment about the article in question (Drisko and Grady 2012). The research article, Healthcare Providers’ Intentions to Engage in an Interprofessional Approach to Shared Decision-Making in Home Care Programs: A Mixed Methods Study by Legare et al., presents views of the healthcare providers in the implementation of the interprofessional approach to shared decision-making (IP-SDM). In addition, it evaluates their intention for engaging in the program. The IP-SDM program has been gainin g popularity in Canada but it is yet to be incorporated into the healthcare system (Reeves et al., 2008) Interprofessional approach entails the engagement of different professionals within the healthcare system, where all contribute towards the achievement of a common method of patient care. In addition, the aspect of shared decision-making entails the development of a system that involves the patients in determining the type of treatment that is given to them. The research concludes that the health professionals are not in any way opposed to the program (Legare et al. 2013, pg 221). The research objective is clearly defined by establishing the two main items under analysis, the intentions, and the factors behind the intentions of the health workers. The methodology was also defined and this article attempts to analyze it further by pointing out some of its strengths and weaknesses. The participants were healthcare providers with home care

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discuss the paradoxes and tensions of pay systems and the problems Thesis

Discuss the paradoxes and tensions of pay systems and the problems these create for the management of the employment relationship - Thesis Example pectations relevant to financial remuneration from employee perspective shall be determined from his qualification, previous work experience, and role in the organization, performance and potential assessment by the employer, work load and cost of living (inflation). The employer share a different perspective while accounting for the salary package for the organization, the bench marking is conducted against the local industries, the profits of the company are monitored, the investment plans are verified and lastly the performance and need of the employee. The perspective shared by employer and employee are therefore distinct, and such distinction has in many cases failed to develop appropriate settlement between the parties on this issue (Mahler, 1986). As per Adams Equity Theory, the inputs and putputs of the employee shall maintain equilibrium. The performance of the employee is closely monitored by the employer on the scale of profit-return, productivity, and maintenance and functional cost-cutting. Therefore in many organizations the pay systems are exclusively designed to offer financial rewards to the individuals who have contributed to the organization, instead of offering such deals to all the employees (David, 2000). There are systems where pay system is employee-centric, irrespective of contribution and performance of an individual, however such system has been nightmare for the employers due to the resignations of the high-performance employees, and consider it as unfair system. The employees have simple desire to be based fairly for their performance and achievements, and their salary shall necessarily take into account the cost of living. The employers share similar approach; however its execution is primarily profit margin driven followed by cost-cutting for the launch for new investment plans. This practice is widely common among the employers of South Asia inclusive of China, India, Malaysia and Thailand (Hamel, 2000). The pay system offered by

Friday, August 23, 2019

Learning Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Letter - Essay Example I also believe that personal development is the key to improve self-knowledge, identity, talents as well as enhancing the quality of life. Without personal development realizing one’s dreams and aspirations are not possible. I continually thrive to achieve personal development through inspirations and small things in life. Accepting the things we cannot change and appreciating the things that we are have are critical for personal growth in my experience. I also believe that one has to do the things that he/she love in order to succeed in anything. Without the passion for doing things, it cannot be a success. I always try my best to believe in myself and to give my all when I am engaged to a particular work. I believe that I have grown so much through this class, both personally and academically. It was not an easy process for me, but I managed to stay my course through my hard work and dedication to my course.    I took IB English during high school, and I thought things would be so much easier in university. However, I was wrong. Other than the heavy workload, English is my third language after Indonesian and Chinese. Often times I used to feel like I will get the lowest grade in this class, as most of the students here are primarily English speaker. This thought often makes me feel like I am not capable of doing it, but then my desire to succeed drives me to work even harder. Looking at the syllabus given, I knew from the start that out of the four pillars of the course objectives, â€Å"Process† would be the most difficult part for me as I am not a big fan of writing margin notes for people. Writing margin notes is basically correcting grammar, sentence structure, and flow of sentences. At first, it took me hours to write margin notes for my first peer review draft.  Ã‚  However, after a few workshop sessions and practice I finally got the gist of it. After some practice it becam e easier for me to see what was missing and what

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wax of a Paper Essay Example for Free

Wax of a Paper Essay Descartes doubts the things he sees and experiences. His philosophy is concerned with â€Å"no knowledge† given that his human understanding and perceptions have failed to meet the criteria of being certain or fool proof (Ross, 1997). If I see myself writing this paper in a dream, and the dream seems truly real to me at the time I am dreaming in bed, I will remember the dream while writing the paper today. This remembrance would lead me to wonder whether I am dreaming at this point too. Given that both the dream and the reality of writing this paper appear real to me, what was the purpose of my dream? And, what is truly real? Was my dream more or less real than the reality I am living just now? Seeing that I am doubting the reality of my dream versus the reality I am living right now, is reality not relative to the ‘real’ which is meant to be solid and of an absolutely certain nature? Descartes provides the example of wax to reveal the uncertain, ‘relative,’ or fluid nature of everything that human being experiences (Descartes, 2001). The fact that the wax changes it shape, form, and texture shows that it is not an unchanging object that we would recognize as a certainty. The form of the wax is, in fact, relative to the conditions through which it passes. Furthermore, Descartes reveals that our perceptions cannot be based on sight alone. The wax changes it shape, form, and texture. Therefore, if were to base our understanding or ‘knowing’ on sight alone, we would conclude that the wax is a separate object in its solid form, and another one in liquid form. Moreover, we cannot base our understanding on imagination alone, seeing that our imagination does not allow us to include an infinite number of possibilities in our understanding of the texture of the wax. We are led to believe, as a result of this reasoning, that the perception of the external objects, i. e. the wax and the act of sitting by the fireplace, is entirely based on the judgments of the mind and the conclusion it reaches (â€Å"Rene Descartes: 1596-1650,† 2006). Then again, the mind may be confused enough to start doubting whether a dream is real, or whether that which it knows as reality is a dream. In the end, I would only be able to reach the conclusion that ‘I think, therefore I am. ’ However, it does not necessarily mean that I would trust all that I have thought. Perhaps the paper is not for real either! References Descartes, R. (2001). Meditations on First Philosophy in which the Existence of God and the Distinction Between Mind and Body are Demonstrated (Ed. Glyn Hughes). Retrieved Oct 12, 2008, from http://www. btinternet. com/~glynhughes/squashed/index. htm. Rene Descartes: 1596-1650. (2006). The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved Oct 12, 2008, from http://www. iep. utm. edu/d/descarte. htm. Ross, K. L. (1997). Rene Descartes (1596-1650) and the Meditations on First Philosophy. History of Philosophy. Retrieved Oct 12, 2008, from http://www. friesian. com/hist-2. htm.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Significant Factor in Leading Essay Example for Free

Significant Factor in Leading Essay In 1914, the First World War broke out. It is the war which involved most of the countries in the world. The Sarajevo Assassination has triggered off the war as Austria-Hungary use it as a war excuse to declare war on Serbia. To a large extent I think that extreme nationalism is the most significant factor in leading the outbreak of the First World War. â€Å"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind†. This was said by Albert Einstein. Nationalism is the desire of people of the same race and culture to govern themselves and to keep their own way of life. In the Early 19th century, It started common belief of people’s right with liberalism. However, nationalism became more extreme and furious since 1871. People commonly believed that their country was usually right and superior to other country. They aimed to promote the national glory of their country by weakening the others. This resulted in many conflicts. Firstly, for the independence movement of the Balkan states, they aimed to get free from foreign rule and thus the Eastern Question emerged. Eastern Question means a series of problems happened in the Balkans. It had a nasty long term effect on international relationship. It was true to say that it caused by the rise of Balkan nationalism. Powers would not give way because Balkan is strategically important and most importantly, for the sake for promoting national glory. Secondly, for the Pan-German Movement, Germany wanted to build a big German empire. She wanted to expand into the Balkans and West Asia. This alarmed the powers like Britain and Russia and increased the tension between the powers. Thirdly, for the Pan-Slav Movement, Russia wanted to unite all Slavs into a big Slav state under Russian leadership. These complicated the Eastern Questions and had conflicts with Austria-Hungary. Fourthly, for the Greater Serbia Movement, Serbia wanted to expand Serbia and united her with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania. This worsened the Austro-Serbian relationship and brought two Balkan Wars which increased Austro-Serbian hostilities. In addition, the wars made Austria-Hungary became more determined to crush Serbia. The crisis made Europe toward to the First World War and the Sarajevo Assassination made it speed up even more. As the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by Princip, the member of Black Hand. This provided Austria-Hungary had the excuse to attack Serbia. Finally, the war broke out. Fifthly, for the revenge movement led by France, she wanted to take revenge on Germany owing to her lost of Alsace-Lorraine and the humiliation suffered from the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck started the alliance system to isolate France and avoid a two-front war against Germany. Therefore, the Three Emperor’s League was formed by Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. But finally, the Three Emperor’s League broke up. In the First World War, The two rival alliances were Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. They agreed to assist each other if they were attacked by other powers. But this didn’t contribute a lot to the First World War, it only increased the mutual suspicion and distrust between the powers. Besides, powers formed the alliances for self-protection. Therefore, compared with extreme nationalism, it is not a significant factor. Sixthly, for the expansion, Germany, France, Britain and Russia both wanted to get national glory by building a big colonial empire by strengthening their armaments. This resulted in the colonial rivalry. Due to the saturation of the European market, powers competed with one another to acquire direct control over the colonies. When William II became the new Kaiser, Germany adopts an active colonial policy. He aimed to get more colonies to get national glory as colonies were a symbol of national strength. Some believed in the saying that colonial rivalries only worsened international relation and caused tension between powers. It is only partly true, colonial rivalries may also improve the relationship between powers when one was compromised. For example, Britain and France had conflicts in Sudan, but finally France withdrew and won British friendship. It showed that colonial rivalries can worse or improve the international relation. The expansion also resulted in militarism. Powers spend more money on military built-up. They produced powerful weapons like poison gas, tanks etc. Also, they enlarge the army and navy. Powers’ thought that strong military could defend themselves. The strong navies were needed to protect a country’s overseas colonies and their interests. Although armaments race created more suspicion and fear, it is self-defence in nature. Therefore, it is not a significant factor. Seventhly, the economic rivalries between the powers contributed to the protectionism. They increased tariffs on the imported products to protect their home markets and local industries. This increase suspicion and hostility among the powers. But when it compared with extreme nationalism, it is again not a significant factor. Eighthly, social Darwinists believed in the ideas of â€Å" survival for the fittest† and â€Å"natural selection†. These ideas were applied in the international politics. It gave rise to the expansionism. Again, It is not the most significant factor. To sum up, the extreme nationalism is the fundamental factor. The others are the auxiliary factor. There are many forms of nationalism, include the independence movements, unification, the revenge movement and the expansion, each of them gave rise to another factor. Therefore, to a large extent, extreme nationalism is the most significant factor in leading the outbreak of First World War.

Teaching Essays Curriculum Development Learning Styles

Teaching Essays Curriculum Development Learning Styles Focus on Curriculum Development Learning Styles Introduction: There are different learning styles that have developed with accompanying tests that helps individuals to understand their learning styles. A learning style is a method that is used to educate which is particular to a specific individual and which is assumed that if used by that individual, it will help them to learn their best. It has been described as that particular style that helps individuals to process the stimuli of their mind which helps them to understand what they are being taught. Though the concept of learning style is relatively young having gained ground in the 1970s, it has become an important process in the modern education especially on matters concerning how teachers use it in the curriculum and how it is used in the development of the curriculum. It has been found out that if teachers understand the learning styles of their pupil, they can help their students to adapt to the needs of their classroom work and hence make the process of learning interesting to them. Therefore it has been found quite important to integrate the various learning styles of students in the curriculum in order to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the various students who are taught using the same curriculum. (Wang and Nagy, 2007) This paper looks at different learning styles that have been identified. It will try to relate the learning styles with how they are being in the curriculum. Hence the focus will be on the learning styles and how the curriculum has been developed to cater for the needs of different learning styles. But first let us look at learning styles. Models and theories of learning styles There are more that 80 learning styles that have been proposed but all of them consist of some basic styles. There are three basic learning models that have been identified and that are used by learners. Let us look at these models. Visual learners This is a model where student learn through seeing. It is a method in which ideas, concepts, and other information are closely associated with the images that are represented in a graphical manner. The learner just need to see the body language of the teacher and the facial expression that the teacher in order to understand what they are teaching. This method is mostly used by those students who are able to concentrate for a long time and who prefer to sit in front of their classrooms in order to avoid any distraction to their visual aids. These students may think in pictures and at the same time learn form the visual displays like diagrams, overhead transparencies, videos, flip charts, and other materials which use visual aids to communicate. The learners are usually very much attentive during the classroom lessons and they take notes in order to absorb most of the information that is being given by the teacher. (Lawrence, 1999) Researches have found out that visual learning theory helps students to improve in many education areas including critical thinking where they are likely to link graphics with verbal and visual information and draw understanding from such a relationship, retention where these students are likely to remember most of the information which was visually or verbally represented, comprehension where student can understand new ideas and connect then to their previous experience or knowledge, and organization where the students can actually use diagrams in order to organize large amount of data in a way that it can be easily understood. The base of this learn style lies in the way a student can visualize the data and later interpret it and build literacy along that data. (Sather, 2007) Auditory Learning Style This is a style where students learn through listening. In this style, students learn through verbal lectures which include a variety of discussions, talking and listening. The student who uses this style may not strive to be in front of the classroom but they like staying at a distance where they can get most of what is happening. They are able to interpret the meaning of a speech through interpreting the underlying tone of teacher voice, pitch, speed and other nuances of speech. They may not concentrate on writing what is being said but they are very keen on listening what is being said. They don’t rush to take notes but they take time to write their notes. The learners also can benefit a lot from reading aloud texts and also use a tape recorder. This style is used by about 20 percent of the population. In most instances, when these students are learning, the read but they cannot understand if there is no sound in the background. Therefore most to them will be reading and at the same time listening to music or any other background noise. Some of the students have been found to read when there is noise in the background. These learners focus more on the sound that they are hearing that what they are learning. When they are spelling, they usually use sounds. In case they meet with individuals, they are likely to forget their faces but remember their names. These students also like to talk a lot. (Kolb, 2003) Tactile or Kinesthetic Learners These can be described as learners who learn by moving, doing or touching. They have been descried as learning best through a hands approach in which they actively explore the physical world around them. Although they may appear like restless students how finds it hard to sit still for long period, they use their restlessness in moving and touching to learns. In this regard, this learning style is said to take place when student carry out the physical learning activity instead of taking their time to listen or watch the demonstration of a learning activity. Student who use this learning styles have been said to the some of the natural discoverers learners as they are able to achieve most of their learning through practical applicability of the theories unlike having thought over something for along time and then initiating the concept. However there is not evidence that has been shown to support the efficacy of the kinesthetic theory of learning. Going by the above learning theories, the visual learners makes up to 30 percent of the population while the auditory learners are around 20 to 25 percent. There fore kinesthetic learners could make up majority of the population in this regard making up to about 45 percent of learners. Kinesthetic learners have been found to be more efficient in the other physical activities at school and in other areas of application. This analysis gives us the three major types of learning styles that are used. This shows diversity that exists in the student population and therefore there is need to understand this diversity in order to be an effective curriculum instructor. This indicates that though a teacher may be having student in the same class, they m ay be having diverse needs than the physical needs that the teacher can actually see in the students. Therefore as was said in the introduction, there is need for the teacher to have full knowledge of the diverse learning styles of each and every student in order to cater for their needs. Without such and understand of the learning styles of students, it would be hard for a teacher to identify students and classify them into their respective learning styles. This would help the teacher to serve them well. Let us now look at how the curriculum is developed in order to cater for the needs of these students. (Fang, 2002) Curriculum Development and Learning Styles Curriculum is used to support the effort of the teacher in education. A curriculum is just a set of program that gives detail on how students should be taught. It acts as guideline that is systematically made to allow learner to understand concepts it stages. It is an important tool not only to the teacher but also to the learners. Educators place so much emphasize on the design of the curriculum since it has impacts on the education of the students. Curriculum and instruction are some of the most important sectors in education. Hence we can say the curriculum is the base of any education process. (McCarthy, 2004) As we have said learning theories are very imprint in the education process. This is because they have an impact on the design of not only the curriculum but also instruction and assessment. Learning theories are considered when coming up with the process since they are important in supporting the education process. Learning theories are important in the curriculum since educator place a lot of emphases on the intuition, feeing, sensing, imagination and other aspects that are important in helping the student understand what they are being taught. In the curriculum learning styles are also important in analyze, reason and the problem solving process. In the instruction, learning theories have an impact in that teachers should come up with their own instruction methods which will help the students understand what they are being taught. Teachers should come up with instruction methods that caters for the needs of the students using the above four learning styles. This means that it will first take the teacher time to understand the kind of learners who are in the class and try to address their needs in the process of teaching. A teacher will use various experiences that have been gained over time. In addition a teacher will be expect to use reflections, conceptualization and experimentations in coming up with the best teaching method that will help the students understand. As instructors of the curriculum, teachers can introduce variety of experiment elements in the classrooms like sound, music, visuals, body movement, verbal lecturing and other methods which will cater for the needs of the students. For a teacher to know whether they are giving needed curriculum and instruction to the student, they are likely to assess the students. This is a part of the curriculum which shows the effective of the design and implementation of the curriculum. In this regard, teachers must understanding the needs and learning styles of different students in order to come up the proper assessment techniques. Because teachers cannot give different assessment tests to different students according to their learning style, they should therefore employ various techniques in the assessment that will help them to develop all the brains in their classroom. In their regard, the assessment tests should be balance such that it addresses all the needs of students without giving undue advantage to others. The curriculum is made up of the above mentioned three aspects. That means that there is the curriculum content, there must be defined was in which the curriculum shall be instructed to the students, and it must provide means of assessment for the contents of the curriculum. Therefore the provision of the curriculum must be based on the learning style as had been illustrate above. Consideration of the learning styles is very crucial in the learning environment since it dictates the way the curriculum is developed. In developing the curriculum, there must be effort to address the needs of each and every student. As we have seen from our analysis, the biggest percentage among the student population perhaps the kinesthetic learner who constitute about 45 percent of the population. Therefore the curriculum must take into consideration this proportion of the population in order to have relevant and effective contents. The content of the curriculum must give specific details which ensure that the deliver of the contents will have more practical work than theoretic work. This is in order to work with the percentage of the population that is high in the population. Unfortunately many curriculums that have been designed have not kept to the issue of learning theories in the population. This makes many of the curriculums unable to meet their expectation. The expectation of any curriculum is to impart knowledge to the students in the simplest manner possible. This will help them to gain knowledge easily. Therefore if the curriculum is to meet its goals, it must be designed in a way that it addressed the needs of each and every learner in the population. In this regard the curriculum may be having the contents that take care of the learners but the instructors may fail to implement these provisions. This makes learning ineffective and student underperforms. Conclusion As we have seen there are various learning styles that are used by students. These learning styles are important since they help each and every student to understand the contents of the curriculum in the simplest way possible. Teachers as the instructors of the curriculum must understand the learning style of their students in order to give them the best instructions that they need in their learning process. The design of the curriculum must also take care of the needs of each and every student. Therefore the curriculum should be developed in a way that its content, instruction and the assessment guides must give each and every student an advantage. This means that teachers as the instructors of the curriculum have a role to play to ensure that the needs of each and every student is met. Reference Fang, A. (2002). Utilization of learning styles in curriculum development. New York State Kolb, D. (2003). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. New York: Wiley Lawrence, G. (1999). Practical Guide to Learning Styles; Oxford University McCarthy, B. (2004). Teaching to Learning Styles; London: Routledge Sather, A. (2007). The benefit of principals and teaching of supporting youth engagement in school; NASSP Bulletin December 2007 Wang, N. Nagy, J. (2007): The alternate route teacher transition to the class. NASSP Bulletin, March 2007

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

I am very happy for writing you this letter and I will do my best to be as informative as I can. As it is said that the child is the mirror of the family, first I would like to tell you a little about my family. My family consists of four members: Father, Mother, Brother and me. My family is really precious for me. We harmonize our life in honesty and peace; always share our problems with each other for best solutions. My family is important for me and is the main meaning of my life, the reason for my heartbeats. My father is an engineer. He is my best friend and a big part of my life. He is the head of our family, his advice and opinion is very important in any decisions we take. He never dominates or forces opinions on us. My mother is a teacher. She is a real beauty. She is sensitive, caring, feminine and gentle. With her everything is in apple-pie order at home and our lives. She is good at cooking, knitting, embroidering. My brother is fifteen and is in his tenth year at school. He is very strong, but meanwhile very gentle, handsome, and independent. Sometimes he opposes my attempts to help him in anything. He has a great drive for his ideas and interests. I am 18 and I am a sophomore at VSTTI, Foreign Languages Department majoring in French and English. My love for English appeared some years ago. I am also patient and love children very much that is why I have chosen the profession of the English teacher. I am a plump middle-sized girl with black long and curly hair, big brown eyes and a small nose. I have got plenty of hobbies: reading, collecting photos of famous people, cooking, knitting, cultivating various plants, chatting with my foreign pen-friends via internet, learning languages and writing poems. I h... ...pplication System on 2/25/2014 2:46 PM. Page 9. share our interests not only within our room, but also outside using the help of each other, and we will become temporary representatives of our country for each other. And yes, I know that it might be difficult for me to live in a different country with a foreign roommate; however I am sure you will be next to me if I need any help. With this letter I gave you small bit of information about myself but I will enlarge my letter describing myself later if I manage to be selected as a finalist. I like to leave presents or things that will remind others about me, so please accept this small poem that I wrote especially for you: For the man who is always around, I will prepare reliable ground. Even in the awful darkness of fear you will be given a hand, As there is someone who will whisper â€Å"I am your friend†!!!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Whirlpool Corporation †A Lawful, Ethical, and CSR Minded Business Essa

Whirlpool Corporation – A Lawful, Ethical, and CSR Minded Business Whirlpool Corporation – A Lawful, Ethical, and CSR Minded Business During the past several years global companies, like Whirlpool Corporation, have gained global awareness of the complex and evolving legal, ethical, and social expectations of their stakeholders. While many companies have started to tackle these new set of requirements by modifying their mission statements, business policies, and workplace practices, leadership companies continue to wrestle with the challenge of integrating these three vital topics into their overall business operation. Companies that successfully integrate plans to incorporate the legal, ethical and corporate social responsibility concerns within all areas of their business stand to gain financial and social benefits through the identification of new business opportunities, the strengthening of their brands and corporate reputation, the attraction and retention of top employees, and the recognition as a trusted partner (Integrating CSR: New Risks, New Rewards, 2004). In this particular paper, the author will attempt to describe how legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) impacts the management planning of Whirlpool Corporation. Whirlpool Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, with annual sales of over $13 billion. They employ 68,000 people, and have nearly 50 manufacturing and technology research centers around the globe. The company markets Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Brastemp, Bauknecht, Consul and other major brand names to consumers in more than 170 countries. Whirlpool Corporation is also the principal supplier to Sears, Roebuck and Co., of many major home appliances marketed under the Kenmore brand name (Fast Facts, 2005). Embedded in Whirlpool Corporation and their Board of Directors is the deeply held value that continues to guide them: "There is no right way to do a wrong thing" (Continuing Legacy, 2005). This basic code of conduct underlies the company's long tradition of strong and independent corporate governance. Whirlpool's Board of Directors is currently comprised of eleven directors, nine of whom are indepen... responsibility and education. Retrieved June 25, 2005, from References Whirlpool Corporation. (2005). Social responsibility and the environment. Retrieved June 25, 2005, from Whirlpool Corporation. (2005). Social responsibility and mexico. Retrieved June 25, 2005, from Whitman, D. (2003, April). Building a global loyal following. Retrieved June 26, 2005, from Yahoo Finance. (June, 2005). DiversityInc. magazine recognizes whirlpool for diversity strengths. Retrieved June 25, 2005, from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Building Foundations for The Future Essay -- Education Teaching Teache

Building Foundations for The Future When I think of how my teaching style will be one day, a particular parable comes to mind that I have known since my childhood days. In the Bible, in the book of Matthew, Peter and several other fishermen were fishing out on the ocean one night when from far out in the distance, they could see a man walking on the water toward them. The man was Jesus. Peter was afraid that the figure wasn’t Jesus, but instead a spirit, so Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and walk over to him. So Peter got out, and walked on the water over to Jesus. But then, the wind began to blow furiously, causing Peter to become afraid. He looked down, began to sink, and then screamed out to Jesus to help him. Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught Peter, and said â€Å"O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?† (Matt. 14:31). Most children today are wanting to learn, but from time to time there is an obstacle on their path toward knowledge that they cannot overcome on their own. When faced with such obstacles, whether it is the divorce of their parents, or continually failing in one certain subject, they usually become scared and just need someone to cry â€Å"Help!† to. Just as Jesus immediately helped Peter, I want to immediately help those students that are doubting that they can overcome something. I do not want my students to ever doubt that they can do something, and eventually become too reluctant to even try anymore just because they failed a time or two. I want to be there to assure my students that they can do anything they put their minds to, and I’ll be there to help them along the way. I believe that children are one of God’s gifts on thi... ...le the latter may not be as important as Math, English, Science, and Social Studies, they do still deserve a great deal of attention, because they work to the students’ benefit as well by making them a more well-rounded individual. My professional developmental plans consist of getting my K-6 Elementary Education Degree, and even possibly specializing in one subject area. I am still debating at the present time over whether or not to go for the specialization or not, but if I do I might specialize in Math. Also in my plans for after I graduate is the possibility of going for my Master’s Degree, so that I can become a Principal one day if I decide that I want to do that or not. But overall, I am still very undecided about my after-graduation plans. I am just really excited at the moment to be nearing the date of receiving my Teaching Degree!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Competency Statement Essay

To maintain a commitment to professionalism by conducting myself in a professional manner at all times. Every day I get to be part of all my students and their families lives and I hope to influence them with positive attitude, great energy and provide them with knowledge that they can use as building blocks for their future education .I have an understanding of my job expectations and every day I make decisions based on knowledge about age appropriate early childhood practices. CSVI a – The reason I chose to become an early childhood professional is because I like to be part of the learning process and see how the children benefit from the program we provide. I believe that early education is very important for children and I take a great pride in the work I do every day. With my art education and ability to be very creative, I am able to use it in my classroom and create artistic wall displays, bulletin boards, interesting art projects, and colorful teaching tools for the ch ildren in our program. Every day we provide them with paint , paintbrushes ,crayons, scissors ,glues, colorful papers and many more craft supplies and they go to create their own very special piece of art. This is one of many activities in the classroom that helps them to develop variety of different skills they need for everyday life and I get to be part of it. I understand that as their teacher I am a big influence on them and every moment of the time they spend in the school and I provide them with loving and positive environment. Every day, while they are away from their families, they get to spend a day filled with learning carefully planned fun activities, and I am very happy to be a part of that. At the end of every school year I’m pleased to see all of our students to move on to the next level of their education and I’m proud that I was able to help them learn basic skills and prepare them socially and emotionally for next step in life. I am lucky I picked profession I truly love. CSVI b – The most important indicators of professionalism that I possess are the ability to continue to educate myself about the age appropriate way to teach children and be able to incorporate it to our program every day. The knowledge about child development and early childhood education keeps changing over the years and I believe all teachers have to continue to educate themselves about new ways to teach children in  our care. Over the past seven years I have been assisting a wonderful teacher who was older and had been using the early childhood education practices she has learned thirty years ago. Last year our pre-school went through big change and we started using the Creative Curriculum which was not familiar to us at all. We have been working very hard on the new of way using age-appropriate, early childhood practices. It has been great experience for me to learn the new techniques to teach children their basic skills every day, and I get very excited to come up with new and fun ways for them to learn. Every year in the summer I attend many different workshops and trainings that help my professional growth. Another important indicator of professionalism that I posses is to conduct myself in a professional manner. Every single day I arrive at work on time, with a positive attitude, smile on my face and dressed appropriately for the responsibilities I have. I have an understanding that I represent our s chool and I have to use good judgment when making decisions that affect children in our pre-schools.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Evaluation Argument

The debate over whether or not social media is beneficial or harmful to kids has become a rising argument in the past few years. This is due to the increase of children possessing smart phones and having frequent access to the internet. It is estimated that more than sixty percent of kids ages thirteen to seventeen have a social networking profile of some sort (AACAP, 2013). Social media is harmful to kids because it exposes them to situations and content they are not emotionally and mentally capable of handling, allows room for cyber bullying, and can cause them to form detrimental habits.Technology is an extension of what goes on in the real world. Bullying was around before the Internet, but cyber bullying makes it easier,† explained Dr. Brian Primack, an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine. Although bullying is nothing new; when it takes place in the digital world, the public humiliation can shatter young lives. Photos, cruel comments, taunts and threats can travel in an instant. These then can be seen, revisited, reposted, and linked to a huge audience.Cyber bullying is using digital ommunications, like social media, to make another person feel angry, sad, or scared. Many experts agree that intent and context are important as well (AACAP, 2013). If the behavior was intentional, that's clearly cyber bullying and there should be consequences. However, if a kid inadvertently hurts another kid, then he or she may just need to learn better online behavior. Online messages can be more confusing or scarier than in-person communication because there are no face-to-face cues to help you understand people's intentions.Helping kids recognize bullying will help them earn to better deal with it. Kids may be apt to use more hurtful and extreme language online than offline. It's not uncommon for cyber bullies to say things like â€Å"l wish you would die,† â€Å"You're ugly,† or â€Å"Ever ybody hates you. † If a kid said these things out loud in public, a teacher, a parent, or even another kid would probably overhear and intervene. Cyber bullying can happen anytime, whereas regular bullying generally stops when kids go home.A child could get a text, or see posts on Facebook at any moment. Cyber bullying is very public, which can add to the harmful effects it can have on children. Posts can spread rather quickly to a large, invisible audience due to the nature of how information travels online. Daily overuse of media and technology has been proven to have a negative effect on the health of children, preteens, and teenagers by making them more prone to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders, as well as by making them more susceptible to future health problems.A review of research from the past decade has found that adolescents who demonstrated Internet addiction scored higher for obsessive-compulsive behavior, depression, generalized and social an xiety, ttention deficit hyperactivity disorder, introversion, and other maladaptive behaviors (AAP, 2013). There is also considerable debate within the mental-health field about whether dependence on technology is a true addiction, like alcohol, drugs, or gambling.In fact, the American Psychiatric Association, which produces the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, decided not to include Internet Addiction in their latest revision. Some experts in the tield argue that the unhealthy dependence on technology may be a symptom of some more fundamental pathology, such as depression or anxiety. To underdeveloped minds, these affects can be extremely harmful and can affect them later in life. However, not all usage of social media can be totally harmful.In Why Social Networks Are Good for the Kids,' by Sara Lacy, argues that social networking can make people more empathetic, and that ‘sites like Facebook and Twitter are more about extending your real identity and relationships online. † Indeed, we get actual ‘endorphin rushes†(Lacy, 2013) from connecting with friends and staying in touch with people we don't see or interact with daily. Social media usage can be a door to echnological literacy as well; which could help children prepare for their future professional lives.A 2008 study by the MacArthur Foundation suggested that social sites led some kids to learn to adjust software code in the video games they played, edit video games, or fix computers; and in an ever-advancing technological world, these skills could be helpful. As with everything, balance is the key. Parents should take care to educate their children as much as possible on the dangers of too much social media use, as well as encourage use for educational and socializing purposes. Taken as a whole, social networking impacts children in ways that most people would expect it to.The biggest questions are: How different is virtual empathy from real life empathy? And how is the developm ent of virtual feelings different from the development of real feelings in general? Parents should be aware of the appropriateness of their child's activities on social networking portals, as well as talk about removing unacceptable content or connections to people who may be a bad influence. Parents play a large role in helping maintain kids' online safety.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Personal Cultural Diversity Essay

The concept of globalization, which is the increasing integration and interdependence of different countries from one another in terms of economic, communication, and technological aspects, leads one to address the concept of cultural diversity or multiculturalism. Cultural diversity in the health-care system touches lives of many Americans in one way or another. No matter what our own cultural background is, when we go receive medical care, we may encounter a care giver who comes from a different cultural background than ours(Naylor 1997,291).. In the concept of cultural diversity, it can be recognized that two terms are equally important. The first concept is culture, which refers to the total way of life of individuals, and the unique characteristic that separates the human from the rest of the world of living things. It is said to be the primary means of human adaptation and the basis for the majority of human thought and behavior. As such, human beings create, learn, and use culture to respond to the problems of their natural and social-cultural environments, to control them, and even to change them (Naylor 1997, 3). The other important term in the concept of cultural diversity is the concept of diversity, which refers to variety. Putting the two concepts together, cultural diversity refers to the presence of a variety of cultures in a particular group or area. In this sense, the difference of one’s culture with another is being recognized, thus, emphasizing one’s individual unique characteristics in relation to one’s ethnic or racial origin. However, the concept of cultural diversity does not only refer to one’s difference and uniqueness in terms of cultural difference. This is because this concept also refers to personal cultural diversity, which refers to individual differences in terms of family background, values, personal experiences, prejudices and judgments, and socioeconomic class. In addressing personal cultural diversity, the cultural or family background of an individual must be evaluated and examined. In terms of cultural or family background, personal cultural diversity can be seen in terms of differences in the place of birth of an individual, the culture and values of his or her town or city, the unique values that one has been able to acquire, and the negative and positive experiences that one was able to have. In this sense, personal cultural diversity can be seen through the influences of personal xperiences that have been acquired and accumulated by the individual through his or her lifetime. Another factor to consider is the individual’s religious background or influences, as this would determine the values and practice of morality of the individual. This would also define one’s behavior and personality in comparison to other individuals. In addition, the religious influence of an individual, along with his or her personal experiences determines his or her judgments and prejudices regarding a certain issue. Another important factor is one’s social-economic class background, which refers to one’s income levels and lifestyle backgrounds. One’s level of income and lifestyle entitles one to develop different views and perceptions regarding different issues or topics. To sum up the points, it can be perceived that in order to understand the concept of personal cultural diversity, the different aspects of one’s lifestyle must be examined and determined in order to point out individual differences in a particular group or society. This is because each individual has different genetic make-up, thus, making one unique in terms of developing approaches in addressing the different problems in the environment. Work Cited: Naylor, Larry L. Cultural Diversity in the United States. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1997. Naylor, Larry L. Cultural Diversity in the United States. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1997

1985 DBQ AP United States History Essay Essay

As the first official document that defined the United States government, the Articles of Confederation both reflected the principles and view points of the American Revolution and emphasized the practical uncertainties of democratic government. To say that the Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an effective government, would be over-exaggerating quite a bit. The Congress was weak, and was purposely designed to be weak. They were purposely set up as a weak government so that the government could be less threatening. The American government didn’t want to be a tyrant like that of the British government. The Articles of Confederations initial intention was to provide a loose confederation or â€Å"firm league of friendship.† Thirteen independent states were therefore linked together for joint action in dealing with foreign affairs. Despite their fragility, the Articles proved to be a landmark in government, and at that time a model of what a loose c onfederation should be. The Articles of Confederation had many accomplishments and strengths. It ended the Revolutionary War. The U.S. government could claim some credit for the ultimate victory of Washington’s army and for negotiating favorable terms in the treaty of peace with Britain. It kept the states unified during the war, and dealt successfully with western lands. The Land Ordinance of 1785 was set up to pay off debt, distributed land in an orderly fashion, and provided land for public education. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787was probably the greatest domestic success of the Articles; stated that 60,000 people was needed to become a state. This would prevent future problems for western colonies, and it forbade slavery. [Document E] The Articles of Confederation maintained sovereignty and equality among states(each having one vote in Congress,) and had power to respond to foreign affairs, declare war, appoint military officers, and coin money. Despite the Articles of Confederations strengths, they were also relatively weak. Under the Articles of Confederation nine out of thirteen states must agree to pass legislation, and all thirteen must agree to amend new articles; which were basically impossible. Neither did Congress have any executive power to enforce its own laws. Congress couldn’t regulate trade between states and foreign nations, reqruit a military force, nor uniform currency. Each state  had it’s own currency, which made travel and trade difficult. Trade regulations varied from state to state which created further difficulties. In a letter from the Rhode Island Assembly to Congress in 1782, it showed that under the Articles, the central government could not levy taxes. To create a tax or change a law required a unanimous vote. Rhode Island listed a few reasons why they did not support the new tax. Some states refused to pay taxes. States argued about land and how some states received more land than the others. These issues led to Shay’s Rebellion; where many farmers lost land due to foreclosure and tax delinquency. Hundreds rebelled demanding cheap paper money. This period in time showed the government was too weak. Another problem the government faced due to the lack of strength of the Articles were Britain trying to take advantage of that fact. The British maintained troops along the Canadian border and in the United States trading posts because the British knew that the Americas couldn’t do anything due to lack of military. In John Jay’s Instructions to the U.S. Minister to Great Britain, he describes the need of the minister to convince Britain to remove its troops. This caused great fear and troubled the Americans. The Americans worried that the British were unwilling to accept the Treaty of Paris and were plotting revenge. John Jay instructed the minister to be unyielding with the British. Britain and Spain didn’t go about conquering America because the Americans owed them money. Eventually Spain seized the mouth of the Mississippi which cut trading routes. In Rawlin Lowndes’ speech to the South Carolina House of Representatives, he was debating the adoption of a federal constitution. Rawlin Lowndes believed that instead of just adopting a completely new constitution, they should just make new additions to the already existing Articles of Confederation. Many Anti-Federalists had the same views as Rawlin Lowndes. When the Federalists finally agreed to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, they were able to win a very narrow majority. This proximity  of the race showed that many people approved of the Articles and thought that they were an effective form of government. In Thomas Jefferson’s words, â€Å"This example of changing the constitution by assembling the wise men of the state, instead of assembling armies, will be worth as much to the world as the former examples we have given it.† Prior to this, nearly all constitutions or laws throughout the world were either immutable or worse, were changed on a whim (by the king, for example). The only way to affect change, or the changes you wanted, were by force. The system set forth by the founders was one in which the laws were binding, yet there was an orderly and defined process by which they could be amended, by means of political process, not force. Thomas Jefferson was expressing that this example would spread throughout the world as better way to govern, and he was right. In spite of their defects, the Articles of Confederation were a significant stepping-stone toward the present Constitution. They clearly outlined the general powers that were to be exercised by the central government, such as making treaties, and establishing a postal service. Although some aspects of the Articles of Confederation were signs of an effective government, the facts prove that the Articles of Confederation were not an effective form of government because they lacked political stability, economic growth and a productive foreign policy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Career in Quantity Surveying

Career in Quantity Surveying Quantity surveyors come in two flavors. There is the PQS, Private Quantity Surveyor, who works in professional practice and the CQS or Contractor’s Quantity Surveyor, who works for a building contractor. The Quantity Surveyor   is responsible for all the financial, contractual and legal aspects of a construction project.   The PQS will provide cost planning advice during the design stage of a project and then monitor the actual costs against the budgets whilst the project is being built.   Building contractors are often paid monthly in instalments on large projects and it is the quantity surveyors job to determine a fair valuation for the work that has been completed.   In addition the PQS will advise the client on a suitable form of building contract. The Contractor’s Quantity Surveyor will be involved in pricing work that a contractor is asked to tender for, letting packages of work to specialist subcontractors and valuing and paying for subcontractor’ s work. In the same way that the PQS provides cost planning advice to the client the CQS provides financial advice to the building contractor. If you think you are more skilled with figures than floor plans then you might think about becoming a quantity surveyor the so called economist of the construction industry.   As a student quantity surveyor, Ruth Smart worked on the McAlpine Stadium in Huddersfield calculating the construction costs.   Listen to what she has to say about her work by clicking on her link.   Hit Back on your browser to return to this page. If you think you are more skilled with figures than floor plans then you might think about becoming a quantity surveyor the so called economist of the construction industry. As a student quantity surveyor Ruth Smart worked on McAlpine Stadium in Huddersfield calculating the construction costs. The major one of this stadium was all of these they are called banana trusses because they are shaped like bananas. The steel wo rk that went into this stadium was very expensive. There is a lot concrete in this building as you can see all the seats. The whole structure is concrete. The seats are put on top of concrete. Steps, huge, huge money. The nicer bits are thing like you know the actual pitch, and the lights all these extras that you don’t think of which need to be priced. The line markings, everything we have to take into account everything, signage, big project. I studied quantity surveying at Leeds and years 1 and 2 was spent in the college learning, year 3 was spent on site at McAlpine Stadium and year 4 was my final year again spent in College. It wasn’t just text book stuff it was things like learning to build a brick wall. What construction was about the actual physical building of buildings. Surveyors who have been educated in Britain are viewed very well overseas. Two months after I graduated I started work out in Johannesburg, South Africa. Which was fantastic lots of exposure. Thrown in at the deep end was great running my own jobs.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Criminal Justice -Sex Offenders- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminal Justice -Sex Offenders- - Essay Example An overview of Florida’s state laws which impact on sex offender registration and publication of residence information shall be presented through this paper. Other pertinent points of discussion shall be featured in the discussion below. Florida’s state regulations which are specific to registration of the sex offender include the following laws: 775.21 The Florida Sexual Predators Act; 794.065 or the Unlawful place of residence for persons convicted of certain sex offenses; 943.042 or the Toll-free telephone number; internal notification; sexual predator and sexual offender information; 943.0435 or the Sexual offenders required to register with the department; penalty; 943.04351 or the Search of registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders required prior to appointment or employment; 943.04352 or the Search of registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders required when placement on misdemeanor probation; 943.04354 or the removal of the requirement to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator in special circumstances; 943.0515 or the Retention of criminal history records of minors; 943.44353 or the automatic notification of registration of registra tion information regarding sexual predators and offenders; 944.606 or sexual offenders notification upon release; 944.607 or the Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on sexual offenders; 947.1405 or the Conditional release program; 948.30 or the Additional terms and conditions or probation or community control for certain sex offenses; 985.481 or the sexual offenders adjudicated delinquent, notification upon release; and 985.4815 or the Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on juvenile sexual offenders (FDLE â€Å"Related Information†). Based on The Florida Sexual Predators Act, the sexual

Monday, August 12, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Question - Essay Example Yes water affects mass wasting processes. Water reduces adhesive forces been the soil among other debris materials thereby facilitating mass wasting. Additionally, water often has force large enough to move material including large debris down the stream. The downward movement of loose and unconsolidated materials including soil and sediment is often due to force of gravity. At the point where the soil among other consolidated materials is not moving down the hill, such material are held in place with frictional force. The point at which the gravitational and frictional force balances is referred to angle of repose. This is the maximum angle that a friction force can hold loose material on the surface of the earth not to move downhill. Therefore, angles greater than angle of repose usually lead to mass wasting and at this point the force of gravity is slightly greater than frictional force holding the same materials. Soil creeping is a long term mass wasting process and it combine the movement of small and rocky materials in undirected direction. The movement of such materials are often facilitated by force of gravity. The creep usually do much damage since it leads to collection of materials over time especially behind trees; thus, it may lead to landslides triggered mainly by these tree particularly in cases that they lose root

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Business of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Business of Health Care - Essay Example This paper seeks to determine the extent to what the health care can be a business, and seek evidence that may suggest the cost and quality improvement of the health care. The business aspect of health care encompasses the entire system, from financial analysis to personnel management. Similar to other businesses, the health care providers need qualified individuals for the management of resources, finance, database and computer systems, and other aspects of the health care administration. Those concerned with health care management essential deal with the ‘business side’ of the health care system, which include budget and staff needs, databases, accountability, and organizational systems. These personnel prepare reports on funds or resources allocation, focus on improving efficiency by ensuring that patients enjoy timely access to health care services, and engage in reorganization of departments through streamlining processes as well as assisting employees to achieve th eir best productivity (Greener, 2007:258). Small physicians and private practice groups may only require the services of a single administrator or a few staff members, but large organizations with a relatively higher number of physician, nurses, and surgeons may require an entire department to keep operations running smoothly. In recent times, the debate over the increasing costs of the health care system has sparked different opinions and proposals from scholars and experts in the field. Additionally, studies and research show that the health care system is less than ideal. These two factors constitute a significant problem to the system. There are numerous possible causes of these deficiencies, including the rapid development of technology, poorly informed customers, difficulties in measuring the performance of providers, resistance by providers to embrace information technologies and other potentially quality-improvement techniques. Turnover of workers and enrolees among employer s and insurers, administered prices, and delayed impact of investment in health promotion. A portion of health services researchers argue that National Health Service, a United Kingdom health care system, should lead the way in effort to promote quality healthcare in the UK and the rest of the world (Department of Health, 2008:6). There are many key stakeholders in the health care system, including the government, consumers, health plans, providers, hospitals, health insurers, and pharmacy-benefit managers, although the private sector is also an important catalyst for improving the health care. This is so because, first, more than 160 million non-elderly employees receive health insurance from their employers. Second, employers provide a substantial amount of compensation to employees in form of health insurance. Third, a section of employers is leading initiative to assess the quality of health care and hold providers accountable. Fourth, private employers may move focus to the pub lic sector after conviction that investing in the programs that seek to improve the quality of the health care services is profitable. There are two important points worth noting in this context. One, improving the quality of he

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Letter of Complaint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter of Complaint - Essay Example Despite the urgency of the situation, I could not move the car. I have to confess that it was embarrassing, and I did not anticipate this to happen to me while driving such a well-established car brand. I was also extremely disappointed since none of the cars I have driven over the last years has given me this kind of problem. We called, in a tow truck, to help us move the car to the Auto-world Frontier service station. Our conversation with the dealership’s advisor went well enough as she accepted that the company had, indeed, neglected to carry out ground clearance and that this model was meant for German roads. I left the car there for the replacement of the oil chamber. The insurance company will cover this bill. I was informed to pick the car up after two days. As I returned to pick up the car, the advisor informed me that while the chamber’s replacement had gone off smoothly, the oil was still leaking when the engine was started. I was asked to call at two PM since the mechanics were still on the car. When I called, his phone was off. The landline number went through, only to be informed that the advisor was on a two-week leave and that I should get in touch with a Mr. Brandon. Brandon, for his part, told me that he would call me back after twenty minutes with the status on my car. When he did, he informed me that my car was badly damaged and that the engine required repair. The insurance company, apparently, would not cover the cost for repairs. No one between the insurance company and the service centre seems willing to take responsibility for my car’s damage. I would like to ascertain that the fault lies directly with VW and its ground clearance design for the model of my car. It is also worth noting that my car was not running when my misfortune occurred, and thus, the incident might not have been caused by an engine trouble before the incident. I would

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

English - Essay Example It all started when McDonald brothers had a very successful drive-in restaurant and decided to cut cost and simplify. They fired all their carshops and got rid of the things on the menu and mechanized the entire food preparation. This basically brought the factory in the restaurant kitchen and revolutionized how to run a restaurant. This proved to be a huge success that it inadvertently altered how and what we eat. This idea of cheapness and convenience brought by the fast food industry however is not necessarily healthy. It basically skewed our food preference towards the mechanized meat that produces unhealthy calorie that it is now cheaper to buy a burger than a carrot. The effect is devastating to our health. Statistics showed that one out of three children who were born from 2000 in America will contract diabetes and among the minorities, that will be one in two or 50 %. And this new method of feeding corn to the cows (the feedlot operator can buy corn at fraction of what it cos ts to grow) resulted in E. coli that is acid resistant. This is the more harmful E. coli as its mutation evolves to a strain called "E. coli 0157:h7". And it's a product of the diet that is being fed to the cattle on feedlots. A diet of corn which cows were not made to eat by natural evolution but by deliberate government policy of heavily subsidizing corn which is central to U.S. agriculture. Where it is grown in greater volumes and receives more government subsidies than any other crop. Between 1995 and 2006, corn growers received $56 billion in federal subsidies, and the annual figure may soon hit $10 billion (Heffern, 14). This E. coli 0157:h7 is so lethal that a child named Kevin, went from being perfectly healthy to being dead because of E. coli hemorrhage after eating just three hamburgers (Food Inc.). We may not know it but we also eat oil when we consume industrial food. Just to bring a steer to slaughter, it consumes 75 gallons of oil. Overall, the industry guzzles up petr oleum fuel of about 40,000 gallons per year. Consuming oil in food production not only makes the food industry vulnerable to oil spikes just like what is happening today with the recent crisis in Libya,it also makes the food more unhealthy with all its carbon dioxide emissions. Also, just when we thought that we were able to save money when we avail of fast foods as they are cheap, we are in fact very wrong. There are a myriad of hidden costs associated when we avail fast foods. When these hidden costs are factored in and included in the accounting its true cost, it is in fact more costly. In fact, experts had this consensus that â€Å"consumption of fast food, which have high energy densities and glycemic loads, and expose customers to excessive portion sizes, may be greatly contributing to and escalating the rates of overweight and obesity in the USA (Rosenheck, 246). Similarly, other studies have also concluded that â€Å"our findings suggest that increase in the supply of fast food restaurants have a significant effect on obesity† (Currie). Cheap does not also means we are able to save. Just when we thought we were able to save with the cheap price of fast foods, the industry took us for a ride. They worked against us with the typical allure of fast food chains that they are cheap and convenient . . . . For a few more dollars, you can